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Land Park Meets Santa Claus!

Dec 20, 2024 09:05AM ● By Kristina Rogers

The Land Park Community Association celebrates with Santa. From left to right are David Feniger, Jacey Cooper, Santa, Jeff Coleman and Wendy Kay. Photo by Kristina Rogers

Land Park Meets Santa Claus! [7 Images] Click Any Image To Expand
SACRAMENTO, CA (MPG) - An abundance of Christmas cheer arrived at Land Park on Dec. 5 when Santa Claus visited William Land Park Golf. Adults and children donned ugly Christmas sweaters and Grinch gear to celebrate the free family event. 
When guests arrived, they were greeted by a firetruck with the Sacramento Fire Department available to help little ones sit in the driver’s seat while parents took photos. Then, guests made their way to the green barn with Santa at the entrance in a bright red golf cart adorned with holiday décor, ready for more pictures.
Inside, volunteers from the Land Park Community Association (LPCA) and William Land Park Golf served cups of hot cocoa with sprinkles and marshmallows. Then, visitors moved on to a table of festive holiday cookies. Kids also had the option to choose from an assortment of glittery Christmas headbands and glasses to level up their holiday look. And if that wasn’t enough, a neighborhood elf was available to take family “elfies” at a photo booth. There were indoor crafts and music, plus families were given cheerful Santa golf balls to practice their outdoor putting skills. 
Jacey Cooper, vice-president of the Land Park Community Association, organized the event this year. As she distributed cookies and drinks, she shared her reason for joining the Land Park Community Association. 
“When I found myself with more time as my kids moved on to college, joining the Land Park Community Association board was the perfect fit. Being able to help coordinate events like Meet Santa and bring joy to the families in our community is exactly where I want to spend some of my free time,” Cooper said.
Another team of Land Park supporters, The Majestics and Family First lowrider car clubs, also had a table with free Matchbox or Hot Wheels cars. The car clubs are passionate advocates for William Land Park and plan to engage in more outreach and park improvements with the Land Park Community Association in the coming year. 
The event went through 400 cookies, 280 hot cocoa cups, 200 ornament crafts and over 400 giveaways. Meet Santa was sponsored by the Land Park Community Association and WLP Golf and included a generous donation by Schaff Law Group. Although guests came to partake in the food and cheer, they left tables of donations such as food, baby items and toys. The Land Park Community Association will deliver the food items to the Leataata Floyd Elementary School Food Bank and the toys to the Sacramento Children’s Home. Contributions also included two children’s scooters from the lowrider car clubs. 
As the event came to a close, the line for photos continued until the last child had a chance to speak to the Jolly Old Elf.  
“This is why community matters,” said Kris Rogers, president of the Land Park Community Association. “It doesn’t take much to volunteer time or contribute to something like this. You never know who will be inspired by the effort and do something for others in the future. That includes the all the children who benefitted and were made to feel special.” 
To learn more about the Land Park Community Association and how to get involved, visit